If you only walk on sunny days you will never reach your destination.
Since 2018, Merril has delivered psychological therapy via Telehealth to rural and remote communities in Australia.
In response to COVID-19, the Australian Government has made Telehealth sessions available to all Australians. To be eligible to receive this service under Medicare you must have a referral from your GP, Psychiatrist, or Paediatrician and have a current Mental Health Care Plan.
Telehealth consultations allow you to access psychological therapy from the comfort and safety of your home, or location suitable to the client.
You will need access to a quiet, private space a device i.e. smart phone, laptop, iPad, computer with a camera, microphone and speakers, and a reliable broadband internet connection. A link to the Telehealth platform is sent via text message and email prior to each session. If required clients can also access Telehealth sessions via telephone.
Telehealth is a safe and reliable service due to End to End Encryption. Yarra Psychology has recognised the many benefits of Telehealth counselling and is currently operating via this medium.
Psychological therapy provided using video conferencing technology has been found to be as effective as a face-to-face appointment for a variety of mental health problems. If in doubt, please contact Yarra Psychology on 0488 480 432 to discuss whether Telehealth consultations are appropriate and suitable for you.
About Yarra Psychology
Yarra Psychology specialises in providing personal counselling to individuals and a range of services to Corporate Clients. Our practice is led by an experienced Clinical Psychologist who has substantial life experience and has been working in private practice for the last 16 years.